The CKACN Art Studio Tour is juried. The call for entry goes out
mid-January and applications are accepted until the last week of March.

***Application deadline is March 29, 2024***

The Tour will be pleased to promote you via social media and our website. Important: the number of Tour visitors may vary widely if you are in a remote location, or no other member studios nearby.

Application for Entry

C-K Arts and Culture Network Studio Tour is a volunteer run event. The Tour is an opportunity for artists, who are residents of Chatham-Kent, to open their studios to the public. Display and sell their art, do demonstrations, and converse with new, repeat or potential clientele. Each applicant’s work is subject to a jurying process and studio/gallery inspection. The jurying process is based on the quality of the work, presentation, studio/gallery space suitability, safety, etc.

The Tour strives for a balanced representation of artistic media and an optimal number of studio locations.
We can’t guarantee that all applicants will be accepted.

Benefits Of Being On The Tour

• Representation in a guide, Tour brochures will be printed and handed out before the Tour. Each participant’s section will consist of 1 image, name, location, hours and contact info.

• Representation on the CKACN website, same info as the brochure plus links to participants’ own website • Mass marketing of the Tour, through social media,        newsletters, newspapers, radio interviews, etc

• Kick-off party on the Thursday before the Tour TBA

• Networking with fellow C-K artists

• Tour directional signage to display on your property

•  Email invitation to send to your contacts

Requirements And Obligations

• Be a resident of Chatham-Kent

• Be prepared to demonstrate and discuss your work during the Tour

• Have a substantial body of work available to display and sell during the Tour weekend.

• All art work must be original and handcrafted – not mass produced (no giftware) Exceptions include fine art reproductions and cards (prints, giclees, etc) • Able to accommodate substantial foot traffic

• Distribute brochure provided by the Tour to your clients• Provide your email address, as all correspondence is electronic

• Have adequate liability insurance of not less than $2,000,000.00. Participants may be required to show proof of insurance. Participants must sign an insurance waiver.

Registration Fees for 2024

$25 Payable upon submission of this application.

Enquiries by email to

Deadline for registration is March 29, 2024. Participating in jurying process, may include a visit to your studio by jury members. Please submit a short bio and 3 images of recent work in jpeg format (300 dpi) to